October 1, 2014

A former member of mine taught me a lesson. After I had received my doctorate, he congratulated me and then added, “But I want you to know that I am not going to call you ‘Dr. Lamb.’ I am going to give you a more honorable title, ‘Pastor.’” And so it is!

Pastors face many, many challenges these days and perhaps have more expected of them than any other vocation. They are worthy of our thanks. Pastors who take seriously their call to proclaim the “whole counsel of God,” and apply God’s Word to the life issues sometimes get negative feedback. A special thanks to them for being faithful to the Word also goes a long way in encouraging them. So what can you do? Here are just a few thoughts. 

  1. Send a thank you email. Pastors almost always read their email! Keep it short.

  2. Send a card of thanks with a little hand written note.

  3. Write a note and put it in your pastor’s mailbox or just “hand it off” during a handshake.

  4. Have your children draw some thank you pictures for their pastor.

  5. If possible, share a time when a particular sermon or Bible study really spoke to you. “You really touched my heart today” goes much further than, “Nice sermon.”

  6. Give your pastor a gift of “Precious Feet” or “Precious Hands” or a set of both. Include a note of thanks.

  7. It is always good to feed pastors! Have a meal at your home or a local restaurant. Make it special with a “Thank You” cake that has a For Life theme.

  8. Tell your pastor that you will be in prayer every Saturday at 6:00 p.m. or whatever time you choose. Then, of course, put it your calendar and DO IT! This means more than, “I will pray for you.”

  9. Speak appreciatively about your pastor to others.

  10. Let your pastor know you do number 9.

You are probably more creative than I, but at least this may get you thinking to do SOMETHING that will show your appreciation and offer your encouragement.