September 1, 2010

End of Life Prayer 1

Almighty and merciful God, since You are able to do exceedingly more than we could ever imagine, enable us to trust in You in all circumstances and not lean on our own understanding; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 

Pastor: Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of life.

People: Thank you for the gift of new life in Jesus Christ.

Pastor: Help us better understand the value and purpose you give to every life.

People: It is more than we can imagine.

Pastor: Give us faith to trust in Your power at work in our lives.

People: It is more than we can imagine.

Pastor: Give us the will, the strength, and the opportunity to make known to others your great power and the power of Your great love.

People: Help us share the hope that Your powerful love brings into people’s lives.

Pastor: For those who image the worst because of a crisis pregnancy,

People: Give them hope as they trust in Your power and imagine what this baby might be.

Pastor: For those who are wounded from a past abortion,

People: Give them hope as they trust in the power of Your forgiveness, which is more than they can imagine.

Pastor: For those with terminal or chronic illnesses,

People: Give them hope as they trust in Your power to accomplish Your will in and through them.

Pastor: We pray for our nation.

People: Restore a respect for the value and dignity of life at all stages and in all conditions.

Pastor: We pray for the Church.

People: Restore in us an understanding and respect for the sacredness of all life, and use us as a beacon of life and hope in Jesus Christ.

Pastor: We pray for Lutherans For Life. 

People: Continue to bless their work and provide them with the resources they need to equip us to apply the hope and power of the Gospel to the life issues of our time.  


End of Life Prayer 2

Ever present Lord Jesus, You who are exalted because of what you have done to make death a gain and because of what You do to give life purpose, abide with us so that You may be exalted in our lives and at our death. We pray in Your name, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit is one God, now and forever.

Pastor: Abiding Savior, we thank and praise You that through faith in Your death and resurrection, we are assured of a heavenly home and our own resurrection. We are confident, therefore, that our death will be a gain and that You will be exalted through it. And so we pray,

People: In death, O Lord, abide with me.

Pastor: We thank and praise You that through faith in Your death and resurrection, we are assured of Your presence in our lives right here and now. We are confident, therefore, that our life has meaning and purpose regardless of our circumstances, and that You will be exalted through it. And so we pray,

People: In life, O Lord, abide with me.

Pastor: We thank and praise You that whether we live or die we are Yours and that You will be exalted. And so we pray,

People: In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. 

Pastor: May Your abiding presence be with those who are facing death. Help them trust in You and Your timing. Help them trust that as long as You give life, You give life meaning and purpose. Remove their fears and give them the joyful and certain hope of eternal life. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with them.

Pastor: May Your abiding presence be with those who are facing difficult circumstances. Help them trust in You and Your strength and Your ability to be at work in all things. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with them. 

Pastor: May Your abiding presence be with those who have made mistakes and wrong choices in life and death issues. Help them trust in Your grace and mercy and assure them of Your rich and daily forgiveness. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with them. 

Pastor: May Your abiding presence be with Your people that we may be bold in proclaiming the message of Your presence and the difference it can make in the lives of people who are tempted to turn to death as a solution to their problems. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with us. 

Pastor: May Your abiding presence be with those in this congregation who have special joys or needs. [Special petitions may be offered here.]  And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with them.

Pastor: Be with our nation. Restore among us a respect for the sanctity of human life and then work through us to have that respect reflected in our laws and rulings. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with our nation. 

Pastor: Be with Lutherans For Life and continue to bless them and use them to equip us to speak truthfully and lovingly on issues of life and death. And so we pray,

People: O Lord, abide with them.