September 29, 2016


“Pregnancies are inferior to pregnant persons” by Carolyn Moynihan – “An abortion doctor explains why women have the right to kill.”

Do Lives Have Value Only If We Say So? by James Silberman – “Abortion supporters have moved the goalposts in a shocking way. They continue to kill even as they acknowledge the humanity of their victims.”


Frankensteining Babies With DNA From Three Parents Is A Terrible Idea by Cheryl Magness – “Children are not hamburgers, and doctors are not short-order cooks standing ready to slap them together according to the customer’s preference, tossing in the waste bucket the ones who don’t pass quality control.”


The Culture of Death, on the March in Colorado by George Weigel

Assisted suicide, up close and personal by Michael Cook – “A Washington state psychotherapist relates the chilling story of how her disabled client died.”

For Sufferers’ Sake, Explore The Hidden Side of Suicide by Georgi Boorman – “For all its distress over teen suicides, the secular media is completely silent on the most crucial element of these tragedies.”

Family Living

The family in the era of soulmate marriage by Catherine Ruth Pakaluk – “Can today’s unhappiness, inequality and political polarisation be traced to changes in the basic cell of society?”

12 ways to lead children to prayer by Deb Burma

Sexual Purity

Critiquing the LGBT agenda by Michael Cook – “A video summary of the comprehensive report in last month’s issue of The New Atlantis”

Stop Blaming Only Boys for “Pornland” by Matthew Cochran – “It’s heartbreaking that a 15-year-old girl has to perform unwanted sex acts because it’s the only way her boyfriend will even watch a movie with her. But why? Is the worst thing about it really that she’s not having enough fun?”

Worldview and Culture

University Archaeology Instructor Allows Students to Leave Class if Archaeology Triggers Them by Katherine Timpf

Areopagitica Tasmania by Campbell Markham – “A classic defence of free speech is relevant to today’s debate about hate speech”


From the CMDA Weekly Devotion, 9/27/16

Prayer and Kindness

“…always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else” (1 Thessalonians 5:15, NIV 1984).

As part of our Albanian work, we invited Besa, administrative assistant for the associate dean of the Albanian medical university, to our university for training. مال مجاني Besa stayed in our home and undertook successful training for the week. I actually left for an Albanian mission on Friday of that week while she remained with my wife until her flight home on Sunday. On Saturday, my wife Becky took her shopping and to dinner at P.F. Chang’s. As the food was being prepared, Becky asked Besa, “Do you mind if I ask God to bless our food and may I pray for you as well? موقع رهان كرة القدم ” Besa agreed and so my wife did. العاب الربح من الانترنت

The next morning, Besa was leaving to fly home and spoke to my wife, “Thank you so much for praying for me. No one has ever done that before.”

Most of us cannot imagine lives with no one ever praying for us.

But millions in this world go from birth to death without their names whispered in prayer.
For all the hard work and sleepiness I tolerated toward serving the Lord for 11 days in Albania, I suspect the most fruitful result of our ministry this year was the week my wife nurtured Besa and then prayed for her.

It is not the grand schemes and programs for God that change lives. It is the small and sincere acts of love in His name, with His name spoken, that lead others to meeting Him and loving Him.

To repeat that great truth from Mother Teresa: “Not all of us can do great things. But all of us can do small things with great love.”

My wife lived that truth with Besa.

Within each mission, within each workday, I need to live it as well.

Dear Father,

Help me to show your love to someone today with kindness and prayer.
