November 30, 2005

“I came back today to talk to someone from Lutherans For Life,” said the young woman standing in front of the LFL booth I was manning at a teacher’s conference. It had been one of those particularly difficult days. My small children were bored, running around and generally creating havoc. Couldn’t I just go home? But apparently God had a different idea for here was this woman standing in front of me. Sobbing, she began to tell me her story. She had become pregnant with her boyfriend (now her husband) and afraid to tell her parents, had gone to her sister, confided in her and asked for advice. Her sister had been morally neutral, telling her she could do whatever she wanted; after all it was her choice. So she had gone ahead with the abortion. She continued, “I wish I could live that day over and make another choice. If there had been only ONE PERSON who had said ‘don’t do it.’ I would not have had the abortion.” I tell my “one person” story often.

Not too long ago on a quiet Sunday afternoon, a good friend of mine, Chris, called for help. She had just found out that her sister who was 35, newly married and pregnant with her first child, had been told by her doctor that the baby’s condition was “incompatible with life.” Of course an abortion was recommended and had been scheduled for Tuesday. What could Chris do? We talked strategy for a while. Her sister needed to slow down, get a second opinion and most importantly understand that even if her baby’s life was to end shortly after birth, God still gave that life a reason and purpose. God could work in the direst of circumstances. Plans were made to contact other families who had carried the pregnancy under similar circumstances. “In life, in death, abide with Me.”

My friend, Chris, understood our strategy, but hesitated becoming involved. After all, the rest of the family seemed willing to abide by the doctor’s recommendation. It was then that I related my “one person” story. Chris had to be that ONE PERSON to her sister. She had to be the one to tell her, “DON’T DO IT!”

Chris did it and her sister responded. Another high risk ultrasound was performed and an amniocentesis. They came back normal and the baby is now due in February. After the immediate crisis, other family members came forward and said they had had doubts, too, but they didn’t know what to say or what to do. Chris was the only one who told her sister “Wait! Don’t do it. God put this life here and no matter what happens I’m there for you.”

That’s what LFLers do. We equip people through the Word of God to make life-affirming decisions. We offer Christian compassion to others in need. Sometimes we are a little hard on ourselves. We often don’t see the result of our witness and we wonder if we are having any effect at all. But you see we are the ONE PERSON! When we convince our pastor that he must preach both law and gospel on the issue of abortion, we are the ONE PERSON warning the young woman in the congregation not to take abortion as the easy way out of an unplanned pregnancy. When we discuss in our Bible classes the issue of in vitro fertilization and other reproductive technologies, we are the ONE PERSON encouraging the childless couple to make a God-pleasing choice in pursuing parenthood. When we distribute information on end-of-life documents we are the ONE PERSON reminding families that God can work in what appears to us to be a hopeless situation. Sometimes God, as in the story of Chris and her sister, gives us a little glimpse of the fruit of our labors, but mostly He asks us to trust in Him and remember His promise that His Word never returns empty. He says to us, “I am your God and you are my people! In life, in death, abide with Me.”

So my friend Chris is now the ONE PERSON and her boldness has been rewarded by knowing that she made a difference in the life of her sister, her husband, and their unborn child. And her sister is eternally grateful, listen to her words:

“Thank you ever so much for taking the time to care so much and share your true thoughts and feelings with me. Even though Jim and I have been extremely torn at our situation—you being there for me (us) and all that you said truly did have an impact on us and our decision and for that we will be forever grateful!! I love you!!

Love, Melissa & Baby, too!

So be bold—go and be the ONE PERSON to the people around you. Speak God’s truth in love and patiently watch for miracles!