February 28, 2019

This year—and in the years to come—physicians who won’t kill their patients are going to undergo unprecedented pressure from pro-abortion physician groups to be forced to perform or refer for abortions. Euthanasia performance or referral will shortly follow.

But there is something that can be done. Please consider asking your doctor two questions:

  1. Have you taken the real Hippocratic Oath? The “Essential Hippocratic Oath” is featured with this article. The issue at stake is the tenets which forbid abortion and euthanasia. If your doctor has not taken the ACTUAL Hippocratic Oath with the Essential Tenets, please ask him or her to consider doing so.

  2. Are you a member of one or more of the medical groups listed below? If he or she says “No,” then please ask, “Why not?” and ask if he or she would consider finding out more and joining at least one of these groups.

Medical group options include: Hippocratic Registry, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Pediatricians, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Christian Medical and Dental Associations, Catholic Medical Association.

If you would help get the word out, we could change the face of medicine in this country. Most people don’t realize that the vast majority of physicians in the United States have NOT taken the Hippocratic Oath. (Looking back in history, when physicians did not take or follow the Hippocratic Oath, atrocities often followed.)

Donna J. Harrison, M.D. is Executive Director of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Download The Essential Hippocratic Oath (PDF)

Download The Essential Hippocratic Oath (JPEG)