September 11, 2012

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You are touching people’s lives by supporting LFL with your time, talents, and treasures. Your partnership in the Gospel work through your support encourages us and allows us to encourage others.

Now we want to encourage you. The following true stories are examples of how you are touching the young, the infirm, the uninformed, and the brokenhearted through your support of Lutherans For Life. 

Touching the Young
I wrote an article recently entitled, Why is the World so Dumb? A teen asked that question as she wept while holding one of our fetal models. I wrote that I wasn’t sure my words at the time helped her, but I knew her compassion and sincerity helped me. We received a response. 

“Dr. Lamb, if you are reading this, I want you to know, I was that girl who sat in the front row and cried. You did help me. Your encouragement did help me. It did. What you said that day shook me to my bones, and our whole youth group. I was shocked and amazed, and heartbroken because of what people do to these poor babies. You did help me. You did. And I just wanted to thank you for that. I pray for our ‘dumb world’ every day.”

A lot of folks put their hopes for changing our “dumb world” in the upcoming elections. I’ve been executive director of LFL under three presidents, different congresses, and numerous changes in Supreme Court justices.

Yet “what people do to these poor babies” continues: 3,200 abortions every day, day after day.

Please do not take me wrong, this is a very important election, and I expect you to be voting in it according to your Christian convictions. But when it comes to hope for lasting change, mine lies with the teen above and so many like her. Our young people need our support and relevant resources.

Touching the Infirm

“I just wanted to let you know that I have viewed the new video, The Other End of Life, twice now and it is beautifully done, and the message comes across clearly. These issues are front and center for my family right now and I have encouraged family members to watch this and gain an understanding of God’s plan for the end of our lives. Thank you for producing this video series! These are messages we need to hear in the church!”

With our aging population increasing, the need for this kind of resource will only increase. We must counter our culture’s insistence that death is the solution to the problem of pain and suffering and point people to the Lord of Life who works in and through pain and suffering to accomplish His will and His good.

Touching the Uninformed
A pastor commented on our Stem Cell and Cloning 101: A Primer DVD:

“I almost did not show it to my Bible class. I thought it would be over their heads and I must say I was a little reluctant because of my lack of knowledge on these technical subjects. However, after viewing it I realized that this was presented in such a way that all of us could understand it. I showed it to my Bible class and their response was tremendous!!! I feel confident that each one of the people who viewed this DVD can tell others the truth about these important life issues. Thanks be to God for your fine work !!!!”

Questions about biotechnologies—stem cells, cloning, genetic engineering, reproductive technologies—will also continue to confront God’s people. They will look to LFL for guidance and direction. We need to be able to continue to make these issues understandable and help people see the connection to the Word of Truth.

Touching the Brokenhearted
A woman looking for a church home visited a small rural congregation on Life Sunday. The message she heard that day was an LFL sermon that talked not only about the sin of abortion but stressed the forgiveness of that sin through the blood of Christ. She wrote us in an e-mail, “I felt a freedom in my heart I have not had for years.”

For every one of the 3,200 abortions each day, at least 10 other people are affected—the mother, father, grandparents, siblings, and more. Every day 32,000 people, most of whom are Christian, are touched by an abortion decision. Many experience great guilt, regret, and sorrow. They need the healing touch of the Gospel shared with them in word and deed.

Yes, you help us touch people! And notice that such touching produces results—healing, understanding, hope, caring, sharing, action. Lives are changed and God’s For Life message is shared.

Resources to Touch Exploding!
“Exploding” is not too strong a word! All of a sudden in the last months God provided well-qualified people to spearhead projects that we’ve desired for a long time. We went from zero happening to over ten educators outlining and writing curricula for Sunday School, a youth series, and an online course focused on young people. We are also working on LifeMarks—life-affirming bookmarks for confirmation students that connect the Six Chief Parts of the Catechism to the life issues. Plus, we continue to work taping and producing our nine-part adult DVD series, Equipping the Church For Life. Two of those are finished and, as you read above, already touching lives! And God has provided someone new to our staff, a young person just out of college and full of energy, to help us do more to help and support the younger generation.

Your Support Needed
I hope you have been encouraged and can see how the Lord of Life is leading LFL to accomplish its vision and mission. We just try to keep up! I’m encouraged and excited about all that is happening at LFL. Now I want to ask you to join in the excitement. We need your support! Please allow us to continue to touch lives by prayerfully considering a generous gift.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!

Your servant For Life,

Jim Lamb

P.S. One final word of encouragement from a young woman who was touched: “What you do at LFL changes lives, especially mine. Thank you.” We look forward to hearing from you soon.


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