April 17, 2017


Time is Running Out to Defund Planned Parenthood by Bradley Mattes

President Donald Trump Signs Bill to Overturn Obama Rule Forcing States to Fund Planned Parenthood by Steven Ertelt

“Morality of abortion does not change”: Ben Shapiro destroys case for abortion after rape by Pete Baklinski

Hawaii Bill Would Force Pro-Life Clinics To Advertise Abortions by Jay Hobbs – “As Congress threatens to take federal funds away from Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry cracks down on pregnancy help centers in Hawaii.”


Advanced Visualization Study Shows Fetuses Feel Pain by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.


I don’t want to be pregnant anymore by Rev. Mark Jeske


Dutch MDs Euthanize One Mentally Ill Patient a Week by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Video: 105-Year-Old Meets His 5-Day-Old Great Grandson

Worldview and Culture

The Power of Names – The Saga of Boaty McBoatface by Eric Metaxas & Anne Morse – “The British government asked the public for help in naming a new ship. The name the people chose really rocked the boat.”

Wellesley College Students: “Hostility” Is Warranted Against People Who Say Anything Offensive by Bre Payton

Why Christians Object To Participating In A Same-Sex Wedding (It Isn’t Bigotry) by Jared Dobbs – “Telling Christians, like Barronelle Stutzman, to affirm or participate in same-sex marriages effectively tells them to contradict what they believe to be foundational truths about the world.”

Tips for Memorizing a Book of the Bible by Amy K. Hall

The Lamb Slain by James M. Kushiner