August 28, 2013


Abortions drop 30 percent in Iowa in 5-year span by Tony Leys – “The numbers dipped from 6,649 in ’07 to 4,648 in ’12 despite a system that provides pills for the procedure.”

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Niece: King Was Pro-Life on Abortion by Steven Ertelt


Our Family Day by Craig Juntunen – “Craig Juntunen is the founder and president of the Both Ends Burning Campaign. A child welfare advocate and a passionate believer in international adoption, Juntunen is the author of Both Ends Burning: My Story of Adopting Three Children from Haiti and the Executive Producer of the acclaimed documentary STUCK.” I highly recommend the movie STUCK. It is not easy to watch, but it does an excellent job highlighting the problems with international adoption and the need for positive and helpful change. zaklady bukmacherskie polska So many kids, around the world, need Forever Families. sposob na automaty online

Russian adoption ban revisited from Mission Network News

Family Living

Being True to Yourself is Living a Lie by Trevin Wax

Worldview and Culture

Rhetorical Fluke or Providential Change: “I Have a Dream!” by Dr. Gary North

Res. 4-15 by Rev. Ray Hartwig – Commentary on a two important resolutions voted on at the recent LCMS convention regarding Christian persecution and Creation. totolotek zakłady online

Ashton Kutcher’s message by Cal Thomas

“It’s a Sin, but I’m not Against It” by Michael Brown

The New “Equality” Principle by William Murchison – “Freedom of conviction shot down in trendy New Mexico.”

This and That

Video: Baby Girl Laughing Hysterically at Dog Eating Popcorn