February 24, 2014


“More Blacks Aborted Than Born – It’s no secret that minorities make up a disproportionate number of abortions, but new statistics out of New York City shed a different light on the startling figures. According to the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, black and Hispanic babies totaled 73%, or 54,245, of the city’s 73,815 abortions in 2012. Some 31,328, or 42.4%, of the aborted babies were blacks. Most disturbingly, this equates to 6,570 more than the number of blacks who were actually born. Somewhere, eugenicist Margaret Sanger — founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and a staunch proponent of the forced sterilization and abortions of black and minority children — is smiling.” (Source: The Patriot Post, 2/22/13)

South Dakota kills bill to ban dismembering and decapitating babies during abortion by Ben Johnson

Baby Saved From Abortion: “The Doctor Told Me It Was Like a Peanut, That’s Not a Peanut” by Kristina Garza


We’re All Orphans by Jeff Jones

Department of State Plays Games and More Kids Lose by Kelly Ensslin – “Bureaucratic power struggles, AKA adoption processing ping pong”


Mom Says “Brain Dead” Teen Jahi McMath is Doing Better by Steven Ertelt

How a small clinic in the Dominican Republic is using adult stem cells to offer patients hope by Kirsten Andersen


True Greatness Never Goes Viral by Stephen Altrogge

Family Living

Why miscarriage matters when you’re pro-life by Rachel Lewis

Babies and the Not-So-Blank Slate – Morality Isn’t Invented by Eric Metaxas – “New findings out of my alma mater, Yale University, would seem to suggest that humans are born with an innate sense of morality. Where have I heard that before?”

3D printing lets blind parents hold model of their unborn child by Thaddeus Baklinski


The vicious cycle of Planned Parenthood funding by Rev. Christopher Esget

Worldview and Culture

Ducking the Issue by S. M. Hutchens

On Weddings and Conscience: Are Christians Hypocrites? by Dr. Russell D. Moore

NBC says Olympian David Wise’s love of God, wife, child is “alternative lifestyle” by Cheryl K. Chumley

Can Disney cartoons make your child nicer? by Carolina Canales and Norberto Gonzalez Gaitano – “A recent study finds that these movies score high on pro-social behaviour.”

A Recommendation of Giertz’s “The Hammer of God” by Tullian Tchividjian