July 17, 2015


The Planned Parenthood Video – The Price of Sexual Freedom by Eric Metaxas – “How can anyone defend Planned Parenthood after the sickening video that came to light this week? I’ll tell you how.”

Planned Parenthood’s logic is chilling but consistent by Peter D. Williams

A typically dishonest rebuttal and limp “apology” as PPFA tries to deflect criticism about how it provides intact baby body parts by Dave Andrusko

After the Abortion

Post-abortive father: “I had a great life; two of my children didn’t” by Kristi Burton Brown


Ethical Stem Cells Grow Tiny Human Hearts by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

My personal earthquake by Chelsea Boes – “This April, in the first days after my husband and I learned a baby was coming to us—certain and irreversible as a tracked train—I cried for several days. Instead of the jubilation endemic in pregnancy-test TV commercials, I took the news as a kind of death knell …”

Raising your kids in a world that hates Christ by Jay Younts

Orphan Care

How Foster Care Wrecked My Life by Cassandra