June 7, 2019


“Let the Women Speak”: The voices of March for Life UK

Overturning Roe v. Wade is the “wrong goal” for pro-life movement, Care Net CEO warns by Samuel Smith

The ultimate aggression against children by Grace Browne

Abortion and the Church

Why I, as a Black Pastor, Must Speak Out on Abortion by Nathaniel Thomas


Why Is The U.S. State Department Making It Harder For Orphans To Find Families? by Jayme Metzgar – “Adoption advocates ask the courts to block a crippling new State Department policy that would harm waiting families and children.”


Trump admin halts funding for research using bodies of aborted children


Secularism’s March Toward Dehumanization. Who Will Be Next? by Gary DeMar


A Climate of Death – The Collateral Damage of Legal Suicide by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Last week, international news outlets reported that a 17-year-old Dutch girl named Noa Pothoven legally secured a physician’s help in killing herself after years of battling trauma from childhood sexual assault and rape.”

The Netherlands Shouldn’t Have Allowed Noa Pothoven To Kill Herself by Libby Emmons – “What does it say about our value of life when a decision like Noa’s gets approval through the non-interference of doctors, parents, and government?”

Dutch Teen Not Euthanized, Died by (Abetted) Self-Starvation by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

How to Model Forgiveness with Your Own Children – Thoughts from a Mom in the Trenches by Alison Mitchell

Movies – Television – Video

Hollywood has Become the Bullies of the Those Least Able to Defend Themselves by Gary DeMar

Sexual Purity

How to Not Have Sex Before Marriage by William Boekestein

Worldview and Culture

Responding to Pride Month with Genuine Love by Tim Barnett

NPR Reporter Style Guide: “Babies Are Not Babies Until They Are Born” by Joy Pullman – “The plain truth is, fetuses are babies. Pro-lifers saying so doesn’t make it false, even if NPR’s speech police don’t like to hear it or feel it’s a particularly effective pro-life argument.”