May 31, 2018


Medical Breakthrough Likely to Result in Fewer Abortions by Bradley Mattes

Why “Apologetics” Alone Won’t Save Many Babies From Abortion by Vincent DiCaro

Maternal love and Intuition – the case against abortion by Paul Stark

Abortion and the Church

Are Christians really “not here to change the culture”? by Gary DeMar


Giving away “Anatoly Z” by Lisa Belkin

Crisis Pregnancy

Here’s 2,750 Better Places Women Can Go for Health Care Than Planned Parenthood by Katie Franklin


Portugal votes down legalization of euthanasia – for now by Vincenzina Santoro – “A narrow win, but a win nonetheless”

Portugal rejects assisted suicide – The debate still goes on in the UK

Forced to Lie About Assisted Suicide by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

There’s A Link Between Too Much Clutter And Depression by Tricia Goss – “Here’s how your mess could be the cause of your stress.”

When Church Gets Sidelined by Youth Sports – Pastors need a game plan for discipling over-committed families by David E. Prince, Tracey Bianchi, Michael Wright, and Leneita Fix


The Irish Referendum: From Equal Protection to a Charter for Abortion by John Keown

After tragic result in the Republic, abortion lobby sets its sights on Northern Ireland

How Legalizing Abortion Undermines The Basis For A Free Society by Kenny Xu – “Ireland’s abortion legalization erodes the very foundations of human dignity upon which self-government depends.”

Activists use bus and robots to send dangerous abortion pills into Northern Ireland

Irish pro-lifers vow to keep fighting: “With God’s help … we will rise again” by Lianne Laurence

Pro-life leader explains how Catholic bishops destroyed the Irish conscience by John Smeaton

Ireland: An Obituary by John Waters

Movies – Television – Video

Tucker Carlson provides eye-opening segment on history of Roe v. Wade by Tom Blumer

Sexual Purity

Public School Sex-Ed’s Descent Into Madness by Casey Chalk – “It’s gotten so bad that our publicly educated writer is sending his kids elsewhere. Here’s why.”

Worldview and Culture

BREAKING: New undercover videos expose Planned Parenthood covering up child sex abuse by Calvin Freiburger

What Americans Must Do To Restore The Constitution by Bre Payton – “Temperance, frugality, and courage are virtues that individuals must possess in order to be free.”

The “Educated Elite” Isn’t Educated, and It Isn’t Elite by David French

What Is America’s Cause in the World Today? by Pat Buchanan

Think You Had a Bad Day? by Jennifer Powell McNutt – “10 things to remember from church history when you’re discouraged in ministry.”

“Spider-Man” of Paris puts manly virtue on display by Carolyn Moynihan – “It takes real man power to do what Mamoudou Gassama did.”

Chick-Fil-A’s Powerful “Missing Man Table” Perfectly Honors Fallen Soldiers