November 22, 2013


Planned Parenthood Opens Abortion Clinic Next to Adoption Center by Dr. Susan Berry

Responding to the Pro-Abortion Argument: “You’re a Man You Can’t Get Pregnant” by Josh Brahm

California to Become the Abortion Capital of America: New Law Repeals Every Pro-Life Law by Steven Ertelt

Tasmania, Australia Decriminalizes Abortion Making it Just Another Medical Procedure by Steven Ertelt



A Miracle of Adoption by Natasha Potts

Powerful Adoption Campaign Launched During National Adoption Month by Radiance Foundation

From the Christian Alliance for Orphans (11/21/13):

Orphan Sunday 2013 was celebrated in every U.S. state and 52 countries! From Nevada to Nairobi, God’s deep love for vulnerable children echoed in sermons, fundraisers, concerts and more. Here are a few glimpses…

  • 8-year old Ava in Ohio came up with the idea to hold a bake sale to raise funds for Christmas gifts for kids in foster care. Ava and cousin Hannah sold baked goods at her dad’s workplace … and raised $400 for presents!

  • As one of many expressions of Orphan Sunday in India, the Indian-run Penuel Care Center hosted a special day of games, sports, prayer and other special activities for the 20 children with HIV/AIDS who reside there.

  • Just outside of Atlanta, Georgia Graystone Church celebrated Orphan Sunday with an array of engagement opportunities and a bold statement: We want to be known in our community as the church that cares for orphans! Considering the response from the congregation, they are well on their way!

  • Eleven churches in Modesto, California shared a rotating information fair over several weeks, with booths featuring 20+ foster, adoption and mentoring ministries. A week after Orphan Sunday at Big Valley Grace, 30 newly-interested families attended a foster care orientation.

  • Across Ukraine, hundreds of Orthodox and Catholic churches joined protestants in prayers and services focused on calling Christians to care for the country’s orphans. Even Ukraine’s President issued a proclamation urging celebration of Orphan Sunday!

  • At Faith Christian Center in Jacksonville, Florida, Sunday services centered on God’s love for orphans. After the services, tables in the foyer offered information on fostering, adoption, global child sponsorship, and mentoring/advocacy.

  • The celebration of Orphan Sunday at Kentwood Community Church in Kentwood, Michigan included creation of a compelling new video highlighting ways the congregation is stepping up—from “Safe Families” to adoption of teens from foster care.

  • In China, Beijing International Fellowship showed a video and prayed for orphans and families at 3 services. Then, a group representing eleven countries spent the afternoon with children at Bethel China, which provides foster care and education for orphans with visual impairments.

  • In Baltimore, Maryland, Ryan Richardson shared Gods heart for orphans with high school students at Grace Community Church, calling the next generation into care for the fatherless.

  • In Guatemala City, a city square festival was held to remind the city of the needs of orphans in their midst. The effort included speakers, music, and even a helicopter with a banner that read “Guatemala for Orphans.”

  • In Uganda, more than 340 local churches held Orphan Sunday prayers and events, celebrating God’s great love for orphans and highlighting ways that church members could play a role to elevate orphans.

  • As Ghana launched its inaugural year of Orphan Sunday, leaders from 28 regions of the country gathered representing churches, ministries, police and social services. The time together included prayer, celebration and serious planning for how to grow hearts for orphans across Ghana.

  • Many churches throughout rural Nevada chose Orphan Sunday to introduce their foster care ministry support to the One Church One Child program. Throughout four different counties, church families came forward to become licensed foster parents or to provide wrap around and support services for those called to foster and/or adopt.

Family Living

Dad Takes Breathtaking Video of His Premature Son’s 107 Days in the NICU by Jeanne Sager

The Real Truth about “Boring” Men — and the Women who Live with Them: Redefining Boring by Ann Voskamp