October 4, 2013


Hundreds of Thousands of Pro-Life People Will Join 26th LifeChain to Pray Against Abortion by Steven Ertelt

Chemical attack by Emily Belz – “Supreme Court preview: The first big abortion case in six years involves the risky RU-486 drug.”

Obamacare’s Abortion Subsidies Are Well Hidden by Charles A. Donovan & Genevieve Cervantes

What is so awesome about abortion? by Béatrice Fedor

Vital Signs: Girl baby gone by Alissa Robertson

Defending Life in the Desert by Katrina Trinko – “The fight against late-term abortions is being pursued on the local level in Albuquerque.”


Plan A by Austin Stone – “Matt and Hayley view foster care as a direct way to serve the city of Austin … ‘We’re not super heroes. God uses sinners just like us,’ Matt said. ‘Nothing about what we have to do is convenient. But nothing about the cross was convenient either.’”

Bioethics and Creation

Does Deadly Antibiotic Resistance Mean Evolution Wins? by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell

Family Life

8 Non-Negotiables for Dads with Daughters by Samantha Krieger

The Special Privilege of being the parent of a child with Down Syndrome by Eileen Haupt

Video: Dog befriends child with Down syndrome – “Have you ever known someone who won’t give up on you no matter how many times you push them away? Chances are that someone was a loyal dog. This Lab refuses to give up on this child with Down syndrome. You will cry!”

Worldview and Culture

The Silence Of American Churches by Rod Dreher

More than Voles – Humans, Creativity, and Overpopulation by Eric Metaxas

This and That

Video: Sleep Laughing Baby