September 4, 2013


Pinterest and abortion: The top “abortion” search results by Kristi Burton Brown

15 of the Greatest Pro-Life Quotes of All Time by Andrew Bair

Video Game Has Players Help Women Find Abortion Clinics to Kill Their Babies by Katie Yoder

Contract Killingn – Pre-Arranged Abortion by Eric Metaxas – “So, how has the sexual revolution worked out for women? Just ask one who was urged to sign an abortion contract. That’s right, an abortion contract.”

BroChoice Activist Writes to Men on “How To Convince A Girl To Get An Abortion” by Steven Ertelt 

16 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Life Before Birth

Why I am A Young, Black Woman Who is Proudly Pro-Life on Abortion by Christina Martin

Iowa Medical Board Adopts Rules Banning Dangerous Webcam Abortions by Steven Ertelt


Couple Adopts Physically Disabled Baby Others Called a “Curse” by Nancy Flanders

Bioethics and Creation

Scientists lie about evolution of bacteria by Gary DeMar

Fascinating research demonstrates unborn children can learn by Luis Zaffirini

Adult Stem Cells truly are life savers by David Prentice


Doctors in Belgium to Prey on Disabled, Euthanize Them to Harvest Their Organs by Wesley J. Smith

Euthanasia Activist: Killing Loved One in Assisted Suicide is “Better Than Sex” by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Kids Find Three-Month Premature Baby in the Trash, Still Breathing by Steven Ertelt

Couple Adopts Triplets, Three Weeks Later They’re Expecting Twins by Christina Martin

Baby Faith: Surviving at 23 Weeks, She Was Lighter Than a Loaf of Bread by Steven Ertelt

Personalized pornography: the explosive growth of ‘sexting’ among teens by Jonathon Van Maren

A Poor Substitute for Marriage – The Downside of Cohabiting by Eric Metaxas

Worldview and Culture

Culture Challenge of the Week: Growing Up with Miley? by Rebecca Hagelin

“Which One Would You Save?” by Rev. Ken Klaus – “Nowadays I am no longer surprised when a poll produces some surprising results. For example, George Regents University asked 500 individuals this question: ‘A bus is speeding toward a dog and a human. Which one do you save?'” 

Game Changer: Pastors Blame Kids’ Sports for Attendance Dips – “Would embracing organized youth sports help?” by Ruth Moon – What are your thoughts?

Christianity and Contemporary Culture: A Conversation in Pittsburgh by  Andrew E. Harrod – Dr. Lamb is featured in this article.

This and That

Video: Oh Sweet Lorraine – “Fred Stobaugh had been married to Lorraine for 73 years when she passed away. He wrote a song to express his heart. This is the emotional, improbable story of how it was recorded.”